Sunday, February 6, 2011

Inability to be Inarticulate

I believe that these two authors use lines like '' or '' to instill a sense of desperation into their works. I think that the authors were trying to express a need to communication with others, and to make their readers feel it. To make them really feel it, they needed to translate the overwhelming need to speak out with an accompained frustration at not being able to do so satisfactorily. By saying things like 'I have no words' or 'I have no words to tell what happened in my story. I cannot tell the story, ' they are trying to make you feel like words alone could never express their feelings sufficiently. The effect, at least for me, is that their dissatisfaction rings loud and clear.

I feel like the man in The Story by Li-Young Lee is worried about the what the future will inevitably bring for him and his son. Sherwood Anderson, author of The Dumb Man, doesn't seem to even know what the story he is trying to tell means, but he needs to tell it nonetheless, and that's something that I can understand as a fellow writer. The decisions to let their doubts about communication shine through their words makes you feel their emotions in a way that the stories stick with you even after you've finished them. It makes you ponder over the 'what if's. Like 'what if the author hadn't struggled with translating their message?'. I do not think the stories would have been nearly as dynamic without the struggle.

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