Monday, February 7, 2011

There Is No Silence, Only An Ineffability

"I have a wonderful story to tell but no way to tell it", is something I can relate to incontrovertibly. I am always thinking, processing, analyzing, etc., all of these ideas, stories, words in general; yet, I think of no way to share them in a coherent manner with others. I know what I want to express, to say, but to logically connect them in such a way is sometimes just baffling. This is what the "dumb" man was undergoing, yet he still told us a story. The inability to express what you want to say, doesn't restrict you from saying something. In fact, when you can't express what you want to say, you tell us why you cannot, always. If I said I saw three kids playing a game in the street, but was unaware or ignorant of what game, I have told you something vital nonetheless. I have told you that there were three kids, the subjects. I have told you that there was a game being played, the action. I have told you that the three kids, and presumably I, was in the street, which is the setting or place. I have reluctantly told you a story, but it was something I obviously didn't mean to express. This ineffability to express what I truly want to tell you, is only, really, ineffable in my mind. The listener just takes it for what it is, accepts it. Yet, in the poem, "A Story", there is a need for dynamism in the stories from the son. He accepts the others stories, but he wants more, more knowledge. The father, however, cannot appease his son's wish. He inevitably refers back to stories his child is well aware of, which is something I find interesting about stories. Stories are based on empiricism, because they come from experience, whether it be physical or metaphysical. In other words, stories are an imitation or expression of experience, whether it is factual or distorted. Consequently, the father dwells on this idea. He does not create, or presumably distort, any stories. This is where the ineffability plays its role, because the father cannot express something dynamic. He stays static in what he knows, which is something the "dumb" man also does. They are not dumb, they are in fact not even ignorant, they are just bounded by what they know. They only express what they know, they are not analyzing anything any further. The father does not analyze new stories, or distorted ones. The "dumb" man does not further analyze what he witnessed. He did, however, give us some of his insight about what he thought the man and woman symbolized. From there, though, he resides on his ineffable thoughts. Ultimately, there is no silence, only an ineffability.

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